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Email Library

We’ve created 10 rock-solid templates covering the kind of emails investment marketers most often use:

  • Market Commentary
  • Fund Update
  • Newsletter
  • Event save the date
  • Event invitation – in person
  • Event invitation – online
  • Event invitation – hybrid
  • Event confirmation
  • Event reminder
  • Event follow-up

These master templates have three sections: header, main-content and footer. Within each, you’ll find multiple layouts. So for example, the header section includes multiple options for placing your logo at the top of an email. As a reminder again, the logos within these layouts come from the Brand Manager so they should be pretty on-brand. The main-content section includes one, two and three-column layouts and the footer has options for laying out your disclaimers and social icons. All layouts are responsive, so two and three-column layouts generally drop into one column on mobile.

We’ve set default layouts within each, again to save your time. Why so many event templates? Our clients run loads of events and we’ve set these templates to follow our best practice on pre- and post-event comms.

So that’s layouts. Within each layout you’ll find one or many components. There are 15 different types of components (we’ve listed them all below). Here you can see how components sit within layouts – most drive from the Brand Manager.

A component could be…

  • Rich text (full-fat HTML)
  • Plain text (raw text but with a font/color applied)
  • Image (a rich editor that allows you to select images and then crop, resize, tint and much more)
  • Title (a header style with an optional link)
  • Button (HTML button with selectable style from the Brand Manager, a link and padding options)
  • Divider (horizontal line with a width, height, padding and a color from the Brand Manager)
  • Logo (picker of your logos from the Brand Manager with optional URLs and alt-text)
  • Banner (selectable banners from the Brand Manager with links and alt-text)
  • Footer (selectable banners from the BM)
  • Disclaimer (selectable disclaimers from the BM)
  • Event (very cool component that dynamically brings in event info from our Events solution)
  • Dynamic insight/blog feed (options to dynamically stream content from your website)
  • Fund document distribution (options to dynamically distribute your fund documents)
  • Social (social platform picker with logos and URLs)
  • Video (bring in videos via our partners… Brightcove, BrightTALK, ON24, Wistia and Zoom)

Using layouts with static or dynamic components gives us an extremely rapid way to create on-brand, emails that both look great and get delivered. You can create your own master templates too of course using layouts and components. We can code these for you or guide you through the process.