StoneShot Learning > Marketing Automation > Dynamic Sender

Dynamic Sender

Generally, everyone tends to be more inclined to open an email when it comes from someone he or she knows. Considering that most contacts are generated by sales teams it would be great if each of those contacts could somehow be linked to their respective sales partners.

In the StoneShot Marketing Platform this is possible, although in other platforms this could only be achieved by setting up multiple versions of the same email with a different sign offs to each individual sales manager’s list.

Using our dynamic senders you can create one single email that is sent to all of your contacts but is created dynamically. This means that each contact will get the same email content, but crucially will receive it signed off from their respective sales manager.

This cuts down massively on your time as a marketer, meaning you only need to create one email, only get one email approved through compliance, and only launch one email campaign.

Creating segmentation and its segments

So, go to Options > Admin > Segmentation Manager and you will be able to see the list of various segmentation options you have.

Let us start by clicking on New as shown here below.

When creating a new segment, the first two important fields you need to fill in are the Name and the Dynamic System Name as shown below. You might also want to update the Display Order. This will be in what order the newly created segment is displayed on your contact screen. You can ignore the remaining fields on this screen for now.

*IMPORTANT: The Dynamic System Name needs to be as one word, in uppercase starting with A-Z and between 2-50 characters.

Once you are done, click Save and then click on the Segments tab. Here we will have a list of all the different options that will be available in the segment. In our case a list of all the Sales Managers.

Click on New and let us start by adding a Sales Manager.

Fill in the Name that will show as a segment, then fill in the Dynamic From Email and Dynamic From Name as shown above. Click Save.

The Dynamic From Email and Dynamic From Name are what will show up as the sender information if the contact is assigned to that particular Sales Manager when they receive the campaign.

Now we can see our first segment has been created. Repeat this for all the options you want in your segmentation, in this example it would be all of the remaining sales managers.

Assigning a segment to a contact

If you open a profile of one of the contacts and scroll to the bottom, you will find a section called Segmentation.

If you click on the little pencil icon next to segmentation and you will be able to see our new segmentation. Select the sales manager you would like for this contact and hit Save.

It will look something like this with a segment now assigned.

Setting up a campaign with dynamic sender

Now that we have everything in place, we are ready to set up our campaign with dynamic sender name and email.

Click on Content > Emails > New email as you normally would to create an email. Now this time in the Summary tab where you have Sender name and sender email you input the below:


Once done, it should look like the image below.

Note the structure of the dynamic link. It is important not to have any space between the characters, like this:

  • { DYNAMIC : Dynamic System Name : FROMNAME or FROMEMAIL}

This will cause the page to not save and will ask you to input the correct Dynamic System Name.

*IMPORTANT: It’s very important to make sure that each contact on the list you are sending the email to, have their segment assigned. Without any segmentation the email will not be delivered.

Learn how to bulk assign a segment to a contact list.

Watch our video on setting up a Dynamic Sender below.